It is perfectly safe to thaw food in your fridge and subsequently re-freeze it. However, if you choose to defrost your food at room temperature, such as in your sink or on your counter, it should be consumed within a three-day timeframe. Under no circumstances should you re-freeze this food. Do be aware that the process of thawing, re-freezing and then re-thawing raw meat can result in moisture loss, potentially compromising the product’s quality. We also advise against using a microwave to defrost raw food. Doing so may ruin the active phytonutrients, enzymes, and nutrients in the food, plus any ground bone pieces present in certain proteins might become brittle and potentially hazardous.

Food thawed in your refrigerator will be good for a maximum of four days. However, if it’s defrosted at room temperature and then refrigerated, it will last up to three days. This, of course, also depends on your dog’s size and the amount of food you will be serving.